Regular white envelopes with specialty seals and side seams - some with windows

Any questions please CALL 800-841-0200 - where Nice people answer the phone (with possibly 1 exception!). If you are outside the 48 contiguous United States please call 800-841-0200 or 912-437-3192 to place your order - shipping costs for you must be calculated separately.


FOB: Shipping Point

24 lb White Vellum Envelopes, With or Without Window, Specialty Seals, Two Side Seams Under, SFI Certified


0428 - No. 6.75 - 3 5/8 x 6 1/2, Pres-StikŪ
$40.08, 2/$76.66, 5/$182.89, 10/$348.25, 20/$661.44
2588 - No. 10 - 4 1/8 x 9 1/2, Pres-StikŪ
$51.17, 2/$97.64, 5/$232.40, 10/$441.38, 20/$835.67
0894 - No. 6.75 - 3 5/8 x 6 1/2, Pres-StikŪ, "A" window (1 1/8 x 4 3/4, 3/4L - 1/2B)
$44.36, 2/$84.74, 5/$201.99, 10/$384.09, 20/$728.68
3118 - No. 10 - 4 1/8 x 9 1/2, Pres-StikŪ, "A" window (1 1/8 x 4 3/4, 3/4L - 1/2B)
$55.14, 2/$105.15, 5/$250.12, 10/$474.60, 20/$898.19
2590 - No. 10 - 4 1/8 x 9 1/2, Kwik-TakŪ
$54.29, 2/$103.55, 5/$246.33, 10/$467.54, 20/$884.85
3298 - No. 10 - 4 1/8 x 9 1/2, Kwik-TakŪ, "A" window (1 1/8 x 4 3/4, 3/4L - 1/2B)
$58.63, 2/$111.77, 5/$265.68, 10/$503.90, 20/$953.13
2591 - No. 10 - 4 1/8 x 9 1/2, Pres-StikŪ, Flip-Stik
$55.41, 2/$105.67, 5/$251.30, 10/$476.96, 20/$902.38
3108 - No. 10 - 4 1/8 x 9 1/2, Pres-StikŪ, Flip-Stik, "C" window (1 1/8 x 4 1/2, 7/8L - 1/2B)
$58.16, 2/$110.88, 5/$263.59, 10/$499.98, 20/$945.54
3107 - No. 10 - 4 1/8 x 9 1/2, Pres-StikŪ, Flip-Stik, "G" window (1 1/8 x 4 3/4, 4L - 1/2B)
$60.06, 2/$114.46, 5/$272.09, 10/$515.94, 20/$975.63